Hello everyone this Ron again with another review. Mostly all the posts I do are about the goings on in the tech community. But when I wake up and find our lead tech asking people to review a game, yeah sure I’ll step up. I’ve reviewed one other game and if you go back in the archives that would be Kando World. But enough dwelling on the past, let’s look into:
Firstly let’s talk about the information that comes with the game. The game was developed by Mediatonic Games, and published by Devolver. The release date for the game will be on September 18, 2013 for both Xbox Live Arcade as well as Steam. The price will be set at $14.99. The description of the game found on Steam is as follows:
"Play as the daemon-hunter Baron Dashforth in a side-scrolling co-op brawler set entirely on the grand spectacle of a theatre stage that rewards performance over pummeling. Perform shattering takedowns and reversals! Electrify the audience with devastating linked attacks as you have a friend join as sidekick Scampwick and use every stage-trick you know to bring the house down! Play out the most spectacular moments of the Baron’s life; improbable beasts, astonishing villainy and, at the heart of it all, the mysterious Foul Play!”
Oh and here is the trailer for the game:
Secondly we need to talk about specs and requirements. Everyone needs to know the specs of a computer that a game runs on, as well as the required specs, so they can compare here we go.
Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs)
Memory: 6144MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Graphics Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Display Memory: 1792 MB
Dedicated Memory: 32 MB
Shared Memory: 1760 MB
Operating System: Windows XP with SP3, Windows Vista/7/8
Processor: 3GHz Intel or AMD CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 6200/ATI Radeon X600 w/256 MB
Well there you go that’s my current specs, and the game runs smoothly. When I was given a key it took about 20 minutes to download and install off of steam. When I opened the game up I was greeted with the typical logos of the game developers, which is fine everyone needs credit for their work. After getting through all the logos, you’re then greeted with a warning about how the game is best used with a controller and commands are going to be referenced using a controller. You can use keyboard, but I was lucky enough to have my PS3 controller hooked up to my laptop and able to emulate the Xbox 360 controls which allowed me to play the game flawlessly. After you choose the controller option it then asks you to configure the controller. I left it at default and just started playing. Also the game supports full screen windowed mode, as well as full screen mode. I used full screen mode on 1600 * 900 resolution.
When the game play starts, we see two people on a stage that is designed like a person’s Den or Study. The main character gives some preamble of him being on this grand adventure and then teasing the audience about wanting to know the story. The story and the design of the game gave me a feeling of Indiana Jones crossed with Viewtiful Joe crossed with Castle Crashers. Yes so it’s your basic side scrolling beat-em-up / button mashing game. Personally I didn’t mind it; the graphics are simplistic and doesn’t take away or interfere with the game or the game play. There is an achievement system, as well as multiplayer mode in this game.
Now there are a few things that I didn’t like about the game. Firstly it’s repetitive, I know it’s a beat-em-up it’s going to be repetitive. But still throw in some challenges, some problem solving I think it would be great. Secondly button mashing; I just had to press two maybe three buttons the whole time I played. Here was my tactics, wait for attack, watch for warning signs, throw them off guard, and juggle them. Lather, Rinse and repeat. I mean don’t get me wrong I had fun playing the game; it’s just one of those games that I would probably play when I have nothing else to do to pass time. And secondly, it’s seems like a story that has been used over and over again. Some evil raises, people get possessed and you have to go and defeat the people and destroy the evil. Maybe I haven’t played enough but that’s what it seems like so far.
There are also a couple of things that are good about it. The game play is really simple. This would be a great game to play with your younger brother or sister, or if you’re a parent you could play with a young child. I think this game uses the need for people to complete all the goals on the level to an advantage. If you complete all the goals, then you unlock an charms that helps you along the way. When you unlock the charms you can mix and match them to affect game play.
Before ending this review let’s take a look at some of the features that will be implemented in the game.
- 22 Incredible Acts: From the deserts of Cairo to the depths of Atlantis
- Over 50 hideous enemies drawn from the Baron's recollections
- Learn 12 Electrifying stage-tricks to bring the house down
- Have a friend join as sidekick Scampwick in co-op mode
- Beautifully animated scene changes re-create the Baron's adventure
- Never before seen 'Daemon Diary' charts the discovery of Daemonology
If I had to give a one word description of the game I would say.....is two words okay, well tough two words it is, great and predictable. Great because the graphics are well done, and the game play is flawless. Predictable because well, you basically use the same moves over and over. As well it is fast paced allowing for people to not be bored playing it. Honestly for the $14.99 it costs to buy it I would buy it, you would get your money’s worth of game play.