Review - WWE Network

By David West on 29/04/2024 21:51 UTC

Wait, you may say. What is a site dedicated to video games news and reviews doing reviewing the new WWE Network?

WWE Network on Android
Well, let's analyze this a bit. First, the WWE Network is a 'television channel' broadcast as a streaming service, rather than an actual channel in the old usage. For years, the WWE has wanted a dedicated channel to wrestling on cable. But, after many negotiations, cost analysis, and the emergence of streaming services of all types, the WWE opted to be, once again, the pioneer and bring their service over the internet instead of fighting dozens of contracts needed to get broad coverage for everyone to have the channel available. This will bring interest in all sorts of streaming, including video games. I'm sure MLG is looking closely at how the WWE Network handles this new network, in anticipation of them providing a similar channel in the future.
Second, Senshudo TV has four major streamers engaged in wrestling related content: New Legacy Inc, Arc of Wrestling, Zombspawn, and NonStopSport. In addition, Senshudo TV is planning on its own small, for fun, eFed of caster and viewer characters using Fire Pro Wrestling Returns. Many of our community came to us through those four streamers, and they are all fans of wrestling.
Third, we are on the cusp of a new era in pro wrestling, dubbed by the WWE as the "Reality" era. Wrestling matches, old and new, can be found on the internet, many different sites cover wrestling either over twitter or via podcast, or both (including Arc of Wrestling). eFeds such as those ran by Zombspawn are gaining popularity again, and people just in general are bringing a resurgence. These fans are knowledgeable as well, knowing the backstage politics and the comings and goings of wrestlers. This knowledge has openly disrupted some of the WWE plans and story lines. 
The Good
Whether you have an XBox Live, PSN, Internet, or app on your iOS or Android device, you can access all of the content of the WWE Network. This means you can get the video anywhere you want, theoretically. Of course, the specific region locks still have to be implemented and imposed, which delays the release of the access of the network to many. However, those will come and the entire world should eventually be able to access WWE content.
The other major appeal of the network is the content. With a library containing WWE, WCW, ECW, and AWA wrestling, the potential programming is amazing. The fact you can bypass the streaming channel and access the available content at any point is another appeal of the network. Eventually, all the pay per views of all four organizations will be available, as will stories about the WWE vs WCW war in the 1990s, talk shows about various content, and other programs rumored in development.
Legends House, based more or less on the VH1 reality series where second rate stars all lived in a house for a time, is the first original program for the WWE Network. Premiering shortly after Wrestlemania 30, Legends House is going to be one of the star programs. Driven by the appearance, I believe, of Chyna on the VH1 series, this one stars superstars of the past. Already, a second season is being planned, and the first episode has not even aired.
Of course, the major appeal of the network is the getting the pay per views for free while you have a subscription. This is the biggest advantage with a subscription, but Direct TV, etc. are not happy with this arrangement. But, there is still something to be said with gathering with a whole mob of fans and watching the pay per view in a bar or restaurant. However, it probably means a price increase on satellite providers and cable companies, to try and make back the bottom line from the losses from those watching at home.
The Bad
Unfortunately, with a lot of time to fill, some bad ideas are going to creep in. The first of those has already been started, and that is WWE Slam City. WWE has always lived on enjoyable entertainment for kids, despite the violence. Back in Hogan's days, Hulk Hogan's Rock and Wrestling cartoon show lasted about a year on Saturday morning television. It was just a matter of time for WWE to return to the cartoons. Unfortunately, it's Slam City. The premise being the wrestlers are suddenly out of work and have to try and do regular jobs for a living. Mike Rowe has to be doing a facepalm over this premise. But, I do expect kids to find this entertaining, considering what they watch on the Cartoon Network these days.
The $9.99 for six months deal being offered will end soon. After this, I have not seen indications of the price increase or if it will remain $9.99. If it goes up, a lot of internet bashing will take place, which will hurt the WWE Network for a while. If the price raises too much, the Network will lose viewership. So, the WWE has to be careful when the time comes due.
The Ugly
Speaking of cartoons, Scooby Doo?
"Really? Really?" -- The Miz, or Rowdy Roddy Piper on RAW on March 31, 2014
As one of the promotions for the WWE Network, Scooby and the Gang join up with the Slam City wrestlers to solve 'The Wrestlemania Mystery'. It's a direct to video Scooby Doo movie, but it should be straight to trash can. This thing is awful, and yes, I watched it all. I think all of the bad can be summarized in two lines:
"But, how can we find out more? Sin Cara can't talk?" -- Fred
"Don't worry. I can speak fluent masked luchador." -- John Cena
The WWE Network is worth the subscription fee in my opinion. For $9.99, I can see wrestling from multiple eras, from when I watched it in the 1970s all the way through the Hulkamania, Attitude Era, up until this new "Reality" Era. Seeing pay per views for $9.99 against the $39.99 they have been for quite a while definitely feeds the 'Netflix' crowd. For the last two weeks, I have had the WWE Network, streaming it to my iPhone, Android tablet, and my XBox 360, and enjoy it immensely. I recommend it to all wrestling fans, if only to see the older matches to see how wrestling has evolved to what we see on RAW and Smackdown today.



“A must have for wrestling fans”

The WWE Network is a must-have for any fan of wrestling, old or new, Attitude or Reality era. The potential to grow and expand on the content, as well as the much cheaper cost to watch WWE pay per views live, makes the current $9.99 a month charge a bargain. Just hope the content keeps high quality, and not degenerate into 80s silliness.
