Sony took a different approach to their E3 press conference this year. Rather than the glitz and glam of a flashy presentation, they opted to take a deep dive into showcasing four upcoming titles; The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, and Spiderman. While they did have other trailers for titles, they weren't this deep dive look into whats upcoming for Sony's Playstation platform. Did it work? Well, yes and no.
First off, they showcased The Last of Us Part II, which still looks incredible and seems like it will pull us all into its world the same way the first one did. We're incredibly excited about this one here at Senshudo, but we're saddened that we still have no release date or even a release window.
Second, after a strange 10 minute intermission that apparently had the audience move from one area to the next, we got a look at Ghost of Tushima, an open world samurai game that is set in war-torn feudal Japan. This one looks gorgeous, but the gameplay left something to be desired on this end. Hopefully it will get tightened up a bit before release.
We also took a look at the upcoming Spiderman title once again, this time with an incredible gameplay trailer that showed off more of the title than we have ever seen before. With combat that seems to blend the Batman Arkham series with Yakuza, this one could be one of the best Playstation games of all time if some of the other mechanics and story come together properly. We'll find out this September!
Death Stranding was also on display during the conference and man, does this game look like its coming from WAAAAAY out of left field. It seems to be a sci-fi/horror/open world style title that is also a third person action game? Perhaps Kojima's Silent Hills game got turned into this? We'll see, but man, I have a feeling this one is going to be something you have to experience.
Sony also showed off more of the Pirates of the Caribbean world for Kingdom Hearts III, the Resident Evil 2 remaster, a Nioh 2 announcement trailer, and a new PSVR title thats being made by FROM Software called Déraciné. Trailers for all are below:
Now, why did we say that the Sony conference worked AND didn't? Well, to be honest it has to do with the pacing of the conference itself. All of the games shown look incredible and we're on board with everything they had to offer. However the conference felt like an absolute slog throughout the event, with nothing ever really picking up the pace. Perhaps thats something Sony needs to think about for next year.