Star Wars Battlefront II Makes The Wrong Kind Of History
Oh EA...*sighs* In case you haven't heard by now, Star Wars Battlefront II is in a bit of a controversial position at the moment. After changing some of the progression necessary loot box system to be a bit more fair to non-paying players, EA (or

Assassin's Creed: Origins Review
The Assassin’s Creed franchise needs no introduction. The series has spawned multiple titles across every platform throughout its existence. Some good, some bad, and some just downright awful. (Insert Assassin’s Creed Unity review here) After
Blizzcon 2017 Announcement Roundup
Blizzcon 2017 has come and gone and with it, we got a slew of new announcements around all thing Blizzard. From World of Warcraft's new expansion to new characters appearing in Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch, to the latest Hearthstone reveal, we

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Review
South Park: The Stick of Truth launched in 2014. When it released, it garnered huge praise from both fans and critics alike. Bringing together traditional RPG elements, turn based Paper Mario style gameplay, and South Park was a match made in heaven. Not
The Thin Line Of Lootbox (il)Legality
Loot boxes have long been considered a scourge of gaming. Pay your money, get your spin on the wheel and hope for the best, usually without the desired results. That especially shiny skin you've been pining for will DEFINITELY turn up on the next spin

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War Review
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor was one of the breakout surprises of the year when it launched in 2014. It featured a solid story set in a beloved franchise with combat based on the Batman: Arkham series of games. It blew many people away with its innovati
Will We Ever Program A Replacement For A DM?
Creeping tentatively through a dark cavern on the trail of some murdered cultist, haggling with a market vendor over the price of a magical dagger, helping Granny Scoggins out by killing the level 1 rats in her cellar. These are all classic trappings of t
EA Shuts Down Visceral Games
Visceral Games is no more, Electronic Arts announced today. EA is closing Visceral Games and overhauling the still in development Star Wars title Visceral had been working on since 2013, when the multi-year EA/Star Wars games deal was announced. 
Fall Games Failing! Gaming Is Dead! Long Live Gaming!
Reports of the gaming industry’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Or have they? In a “strange turn of events” (according to publishers and developers), fall game sales are down across the board with Destiny 2 reportedly selling
IGN Buys Humble Bundle
Well, this certainly came out of left field.IGN announced today that it acquired Humble Bundle, in a stunning move for the games industry. For those unaware, Humble Bundle is a website that sell packs of indie and older AAA titles at "pay what y
Teespring Has A Problem
Teespring - the one of many choices for people wanting to sell apparel for their brands, personalities and for some to make a living, has an issue. Last night, reports started surfacing of unauthorised campaigns being run across the store without IP holde
Valve Remakes CS:GO's Iconic Dust 2 Map
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, on the moon, with a towel wrapped around your head for the last twenty years, you’ve probably heard of Counter-Strike. The grandaddy of competitive FPS (which is now on its third iteration in the form of
Cuphead Review
Cuphead! The game that almost wasn’t, until it was! A running joke of release dates have plagued the title for years. An indie title by StudioMDHR, Cuphead first began development way back in 2010. Announced officially at E3 2014 during Microsoft&rs
Red Dead Redemption II Trailer Released
Now THAT was worth the wait! Months of silence. A delay to Spring 2018. Screenshots and rumors released to tide you over...Until now. Rockstar Games released a brand new story trailer for Red Dead Redemption II. And man, does it look incredible.
Fornite: Battle Royale Stirs Up Controversy
Epic Games' Fortnite, a game long awaited by content creators and fans alike, finally released to early access this past summer. Earlier in the week, Epic Games announced that a new PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds inspired mode, called Fortnite
Will 2018 Be the Year We All Start Gaming on Speakers?
The games industry has spawned some truly innovative ways to play. From officially released machines like the Barcode Battler, which took store barcodes from everyday products and turned them into monsters and powerups, to getting Doom to run on just abou
Minecraft Better Together Update Available Now
After teasing this update during E3 2017, Minecraft Better Together is finally out of beta testing and can be downloaded across all devices (except for Nintendo Switch, which will see a later release to optimize the experience.)Mojang detailed the update
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