Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Early Access Content Revealed
Much to the chagrin of some, Red Dead Redemption 2 does feature (timed) exclusive content for the Playstation 4. Sony and Rockstar today revealed some of the exclusives PS4 owners can expect come October 26th. The Playstation Blog revealed that the f

9 Game Kingdom Hearts Compliation Announced
With Kingdom Hearts III set to release in January, those who want to catch up or have a refresh on the previous games in the series can look no further than the newly announced full 9 game compliation for Playstation 4 titled Kingdom Hearts - The Story So
Google Announces Project Stream
Well, this sure was a surprise! Google have announced their own streaming service of sorts, Project Stream, in an announcement released today and a partnership with Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. We’ve been working on Project St
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Launch Trailer
Just over a week from release, Ubisoft have revealed the launch trailer for Assassin's Creed Odyssey in an effort to drum up every bit of hype they can in anticipation of October 5th and wow, does this one look stellar so far. Forge your own dest

Destiny 2 Forsaken Review
Destiny 2 has been an odd experience from the word go. On launch, it was praised as a second coming of Bungie, with reviewers across the board giving it high marks in most areas. Then seemingly overnight it all came crashing down with baffling decisions b
Sony Playstation Classic Announced
Well it worked for Nintendo, why not Sony? Sony revealed the Playstation Classic today, a mini version of the original Playstation console that will contain 20 pre-loaded games and retail for $99.99. Launching in December, the 45 percent smaller
Dead By Daylight Shattered Bloodline Update Available Now
The long awaited ninth chapter in the survival horror game Dead By Daylight has released today. Dubbed 'Shattered Bloodline', the release comes alongside the announcement that the game has also reached 5 million copies sold across all platforms, a
New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer Released
As we move closer to the launch of Kingdom Hearts III next year, Square Enix have been slowly giving us more and more information about the game. Today, they released the newest story trailer and the box art for the game. The box art can be seen belo
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Post Launch Details Revealed
Assassin's Creed Odyssey doesn't release until October 5th, but Ubisoft have revealed the post launch plans in an effort to drum up some hype for the upcoming entry in the RPG series. Assassin's Creed Odyssey will take you on an adventure
Wildstar Developer Carbine Studios To Close
The developer of MMO Wildstar, Carbine Studios announced that it will shut down. The core team that was left of 50 people will lose their jobs and Wildstar will be shutting down as a result. “Today, we are closing Carbine Studios and will begin
Spider-Man Puddle Controversy Takes Internet By Storm
Hello heroes! Have you heard the latest controversy surrounding the new Spider-Man game set to release on Playstation 4 next week? No? Well, buckle up and let me share a story with you. According to a reddit post by user Ghulam_Jewel, the game has re
Battlefield V Release Delayed
Well this was kind of unexpected. Oskar Gabrielson, the general manager of DICE took to the EA blog to post an update on Battlefield V where he revealed that the games launch date has been delayed from October 19th to November 20th. We believe w
Battlefield V The Company Trailer Released
Fresh from Gamescom, DICE and EA have revealed a new Battlefield V Trailer! Dubbed 'The Company', this trailer showcases Battlefield V's new company system, allowing players for the first time ever to assemble a 'customized selection of so
Shenmue 3 Gets Release Date At Gamescom
What a long, strange road its been to get here, eh? Its almost hard to believe this is actually happening but it is indeed true, not only does Shenmue 3 have a release date, it has a shiny new trailer to boot! After a delay to 2019 was announced earl
Diablo III Coming To Nintendo Switch
Rumors abound, Blizzard has finally confirmed that Diablo III is indeed coming to the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch version will be dubbed Diablo III: Eternal Collection and will not only feature the Necromancer DLC, but content exclusive to the Ni
Battlefield V Gamescom Trailer Released
Ahead of Gamescom 2018 and fresh off the latest round of closed alpha testing, EA and DICE dropped a new Battlefield V trailer. See new maps and gameplay in the official Battlefield V Gamescom Trailer. From the shattered streets of Rotterdam to the b
Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay Video Released
As promised yesterday, Rockstar has released the first (of an apparent series) of gameplay related videos for Red Dead Redemption 2. The trailer, dubbed "Gameplay: An Introduction Part I" showcases a wide variety of gameplay features, with
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